Let's try something new after a long time!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Just discovered that this text was deleted from Wikipedia! So much for the free speech.


Whimsical Self-Indulgence. From an important historic point of view, whimsical self-indulgence was once extremely common amongst those who were involved in the administration of internet forums and discussion boards. Narcissistic, undereducated and power-mad individuals, often with poor social and communication skills, would take it upon themselves to interfere with the postings and discussions of other board users, often using intimidating language and various threats including modifying, deleting or otherwise interfering with posts, threads and subjects. In the worst cases, a whimsically self indulgent moderator could threaten to delete another board user's account, regularly spending vast amounts of time trawling through old posts in a desperate attempt to prove to the board owner or community that their actions are somehow justified. Fortunately, as the internet has matured, so has its userbase and today this kind of behaviour is somewhat rare. It is important to note, however, that some of these characters are still active in various internet communities.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


I finally retired on Nov. 23rd 2006! Received first pension on Dec. 22nd, former YU Army Day.

I guess I might begun blogging soon.

Season's greetings from Mario, Ljubljana.